10 Examples of when I Got A Reality Check from this Mothering Life

10 Examples of when I Got A Reality Check from this Mothering Life

The one lesson I constantly seem to be learning on this journey of motherhood, is that my expectations are very often different from the reality of situations. I thought I would show how, in a little snippet below, with various examples from over the last six months.

Expectation: Natural Birth, at least labour in water. Gas and air, if absolutely necessary and no thanks to drugs, or drips or other interventions.
Reality: Induction. Prostaglandin gel, syntocinon, epidural, failed ventouse, forceps, episiotomy.

After birth
E: Delayed cord clamping and natural placenta birthing.
R: I had almost every drug and intervention going, at this point, it really didn't matter whether I got yet another one. I got the placenta birthing injection, cord was clamped pretty much as soon as baby arrived and I was blissfully uncaring, loving my new baby.

Nursery care at hospital
E: I planned to take advantage of this for the first night, if offered, and just rest.
R: They came, they asked, I announced that no, I would be hanging on to my baby.

Baby sleeping arrangement 
E: Baby in her nursery from as early as possible and no later than 3 months
R: Co-sleeping and yet to be kicked out, at 6 months. [I am actually going to do a full post when it eventually happens.] Update: it happened, heres the story.

E: See how it goes maybe stop at 6 months. [I was told this is the only way your boobs have a chance of 'recovering']
R: Happy nursing baby, happy nursing mama. At this rate, might be doing this till she's five! I kid, but hey, who knows.

Date night
E: Mr & Mrs only date nights - do not let this die out at all costs. Arrange childcare if necessary, just to make sure this happens.
R: We have managed one night out for dinner and drinks in 6 months. Haha. Ok, we have done a few day time things too, just the two of us, but not quite as exciting.

Postpartum body
E: Tummy wrap ordered, delivered and ready to be used the day I arrived back from hospital.
R: Recovering from stitches, breasts are engorged, tummy cramps and have on giant maxi pad. The last thing I need is something squeezing my tummy too, thank you very much. I think I tried the tummy wrap for a few days. By week three I had stopped completely. I just could not be bothered with it.

E: All organic, natural, wooden toys only please. Montessori style.
R: The all-plastic-fantastic 'Jumperoo' jumper toy was ordered and is in full use now. I am putting her in it for a few minutes, every so often, so she gets used to it. To be honest, anything that confines her movement and distracts her from wires, chewing shoes, trying to climb on things, is very welcome in this household. Even if it is made of pvc.

E: I say - What a fun activity, I make you delicious meals, you eat them, everybody is happy.
R: Coco says - I'll eat when I want to eat and if I want to eat. And I don't care how long it took you to make the food. And even if I do eat, I am going to throw a few pieces on the floor, just because.

Blog Post on sleep
E: I finally got my views out on sleep, and was very proud of what I had written. I shared that at least the full picture on sleep was that Coco does not play during the night, she just wakes up, has her food and goes back to sleep. Sleep, to continue as per normal.
R: Coco has now started to play in the middle of the night. In the last week, she has started to look up at me wide awake, sit up and chatter away at like 1am.

These are some of the examples that come to mind. I could probably go on. Which 'reality checks' stand out for you the most, compared to how you expected things would go?

Hope you're having a good Friday. It's the weeeeeeeekend!


10 Examples of when I Got A Reality Check from this Mothering Life

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