Ergo 360 Baby Carrier/Sling Review

Ergo 360 Baby Carrier/Sling Review

When it comes to choosing a baby carrier or sling, you are spoilt for choice as there are quite a few different kinds. Soft structured ones, wraps, mei tais (for waist tying), even the good ole african 'backing' style done using a soft, usually print, rectangular shaped fabric.

But I usually think of them as being either of the two types: the ergonomic carriers or the soft cloth slings. The ergonomic ones are designed specifically to support the carrier/adult's back, as well as making sure baby is in a proper position, so that their developing hips and spine are aligned and held in correctly. I went for one of those - the Ergo carrier, because they have a great reputation for comfort. I chose the 360 model because this was new (in 2014) and the only carrier designed by the brand that allows baby to be carried facing outward. I thought it would be nice to have the option, though I didn't know whether we would need outward facing direction or not. It allows you to carry baby in three other positions - back, hip (or side), and front.

I went with a cream and grey coloured carrier- black wasn't in stock yet. I also bought the infant insert, so I could use it with baby from day 1. You can use the carrier without the insert, from when baby weights 5.5kg - and for us that was when Coco was about three months old. If your baby weighs close to that at birth, you could probably skip the infant carrier.

Both are available on Amazon here.


  • Baby is comfortable and I am too.
  • I love that I can have her facing outward while she's awake and if she falls asleep I can swap her to facing inward, where her neck will be better supported. I can do this while I am out - I once had to at a supermarket and managed it no problem.
  • Once you use it a handful of times, its quite easy to get baby in it.
  • I love the velcro strap for ease of use.
  • It's washable.
  • You can buy teething pads to attach to it - I keep meaning to, because at the moment she sucks the top fabric.
  • Longevity - you can use this still baby weights 15kg.


  • The velcro strap at the bottom is noisy. This is a problem for taking it off if baby is asleep (I usually go to another room) or taking it off in public (such as during a church service - I've had that problem).
  • Using the infant insert makes baby quite warm. This is great for winter (baby won't need a snowsuit) but in the summer it will likely be too hot. Ideally the manufacturers should have made it so the infant carrier, is designed for summer and adaptable for winter.
  • This isn't really a con. Yes, the carrier is comfortable, but you're still carrying a weighty bundle of baby. I don't know why I expected ergonomic to mean baby becomes light as a feather - thats not the case. The weight is evenly distributed and supports your back though.
  • The reviews I read mentioned that older models had a pocket and that was missed on this model. I would agree that pockets would have been great, but this is nitpicking in my case.
  • I would have liked for the design to incorporate a fold-away design. This would be great for when you use a buggy, but take along the carrier as well. Or even for just storing away nicely in your home.

I have gotten a lot of use out of this carrier. There were nights I slept in it, because I used it till Coco fell asleep, moved her out and then didn't want to remove the velcro, in case the noise disturbed her. Plus I knew if she woke up again, I could just put her back in the carrier. Those were the colic days, when putting her close to me and then walking around comforted her, when all else failed.

I would say that I have used it more at home than outdoors. I have found it to be a perfect soother for Baby C and even now it comes in handy for when she is fussing at night. During the day, I might have her in it while I cook - which she enjoys watching.

Overall I would give this 4/5. Superb quality that has stood the test of time and considerable use.

Do you have a baby carrier that you would recommend? Did you find the baby wraps worked better for you?I would love to hear.

Happy Thursday

Ergo 360 Baby Carrier/Sling Review

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