Baby-Led Weaning - 10 Things I Have Learnt So Far

Baby-Led Weaning - 10 Things I Have Learnt So Far

As I shared here, we're now firmly on the baby led weaning track. She has her fruits everyday, but I would ideally like to do breakfast and a hot dinner everyday, at the very least.

1. It's the lazy mum's answer to weaning
I make her what I am having, but a salt-less version, in a separate little pot. Spices are OK, so I put in onions, garlic, thyme, coriander etc to add flavour, but never salt. I say this, but there are days when I make myself quick meals that are not quite suitable for her. Weaning in itself ca be a lot of effort.

2. Mum does it best.
Mum/Dad or main carer does it best, because it involves a level of trust of baby. I have been on the full BLW journey with her, so I am not nervous. Other people, including poor Daddy, are a bit more worried about her choking.

3. Gag and spit out reflex is on PLAY
Coco just pushes out with her tongue, what she does not want to swallow, which is any unusual (judged by her) textures. Also sometimes mid-meal, she coughs like something is tickling her throat, but once she has a bit of water, she's fine. 

4. Food on my plate is always more interesting
She seems a 100 times more enthusiastic about eating from my plate, than from hers. Well, this isn't terrible as I now try to have some fresh fruit or vegetables on the side to offer her, which I eat myself. I also eat what ever she ignores so I am definitely getting a lot more fruit and veg than normal.

5. Surprises await
She does not like cold stuff, I randomly discovered last week. She has no interest in cold yoghurt and I thought she was going off water, but realised that was because I had let the water in her cup go cold a few times. She prefers it lukewarm. Diva antics - I wonder who she gets it from, haha. 

6. Things that can be cut into sticks that look like chips, work best
Left to me, I would feed her cucumber sticks, carrot sticks, breadsticks, mango sticks etc all day. Wedges are also convenient, although sticks are the easiest for her to pick up, hold on to and bite. I am trying to be a bit more creative though and encourage variety too, even she just tastes new foods.

7. 10 second rule
Shhhhhhh, its because prices of food get dropped a lot! I have heard about these really handy sheets you can put on the floor, that would make life easier. I need to get a couple of those.

9. Timing is everything
She's still not interested in any solid foods, when she's hungry, or too full, or tired.

10. Loved today, forgotten tomorrow
baby C absolutely loved oranges the first time I gave it to her, but her love for it has waned. She seems to prefer a mild savoury taste, these days, compared to set things. We tried the Ella's Kitchen Puffits (strawberry and vanilla flavour) and she absolutely loved it. I was incredibly surprised.

Are you trying babyled weaning - how is it going for you? 


Baby-Led Weaning - 10 Things I Have Learnt So Far

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